Registration opens on May 1, 2025

Amy Jane Sayre
Foundation Coordinator & Project Manager
360.678.7656, Ext.6501
Ride for a Good Cause
This year marks the 23-year anniversary of Tour de Whidbey.
Since 2002, the Whidbey community has come together around a unified mission to host this bicycle ride fundraiser—which is currently known as one of the most beautiful rides in the Pacific Northwest.
More than 6,500 cyclists and their families have visited Whidbey from 37 states, Canada, and 87 towns in Washington to enjoy some of the most scenic vistas in the Pacific Northwest and to raise money for health needs on the island.
Throughout 23 years, proceeds raised by Tour de Whidbey went directly to support the highest priority needs of surgical and diagnostic equipment, improve facilities, and award scholarships to the medical team at WhidbeyHealth Hospital and Clinics.
Hosted by the WhidbeyHealth Foundation, this community fundraiser promotes tourism and economic vitality on our rural and remote island. Participants stay in our local hotels, eat in our local restaurants, shop at Whidbey’s boutique shops, and enjoy a mini vacation.
In 2024, our youngest participant was one year old, and our oldest rider was 83 years old. The diversity and inclusion of all ages and backgrounds in one event promoting health, outdoors, and fun times are remarkable attributes of this fundraiser. Hundreds of volunteers sign up annually from all over the island in this friend-raiser to coordinate logistics across the 6 bike routes or to help at the 10 fully stocked break stations.