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WhidbeyHealth Foundation

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Together for Newborns & Mothers
...Your Impact, Their Lifeline

WhidbeyHealth Foundation End of Year Campaign

With your help,

we achieved these outstanding results.

Funds Raised


*In-Kind: Nursery Cardiac Monitor

Thank you for your generosity!

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Equipment Secured

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The Vital Equipment Acquired

Nursery Cardiac Monitor

$13,500 x 1 = $13,500

A Nursery Cardiac Monitor plays a crucial role in continuously monitoring the heart rate and heart rhythm of newborns. Early detection of heart irregularities is crucial, as it enables immediate intervention and identification of the need for cardiac surgery, potentially saving the baby’s life. For stable newborns, the monitor is used for Critical Congenital Heart Defect Screening, which is required for all newborns before discharge from the hospital. This remarkable device is a lifeline in our management of critically ill newborns, especially those awaiting transfer to an area NICU.


Newborn Isolette

$19,210 x 2 = $38,420

Premature and low-birth-weight infants often struggle to regulate their body temperature. An isolette, also known as a neonatal incubator, maintains a stable and warm environment, preventing hypothermia, which can be life-threatening. It provides a sterile and controlled environment that minimizes the risk of infection and is equipped with ventilators to assist the baby's breathing. By providing a controlled, sterile, and supportive environment, it helps protect and nurture the baby's health and development, ultimately saving lives.


Jaundice Bilirubin Light

$5,759 x 1 = $5,759

A jaundice light, also known as phototherapy, is a crucial medical intervention that can save a baby's life by effectively managing and reducing bilirubin levels. Excessive levels of bilirubin can result in irreversible brain damage, severe neurological impairment, hearing loss, intellectual disabilities, and even death. By preventing or treating severe neonatal jaundice, phototherapy helps avoid life-threatening conditions. There is no substitute for bilirubin therapy. These lights are the only way we can accept the newborns with jaundice for care.


Linet Ave 2 Labor Bed

$17,435 x 4 = $69,740

This labor bed ensures a secure and comfortable birthing environment for both mother and baby. It allows for continuous fetal monitoring and offers various positioning options, aiding the delivery process. The bed's smart design provides adjustable features for the mother's comfort and safety. Easy accessibility for healthcare providers enables efficient monitoring and intervention. Its infection control features maintain a sterile environment for both mother and baby.


Dual Arm Workstations

$2,158 x 4 = $8,630

Dual workstations would be installed into all 4 labor rooms so that nursing and providers could simultaneously view infant heart rate and mothers' chart with medications and interventions. This will increase the efficiency of bedside labor documentation, reducing the time from opening different electronic records systems, and increasing safety for all in the room to view the chart and heart rate and contraction pattern together.


Infant Otoscope

$1,650 x 1 = $1,650

The infant otoscope is a crucial tool for diagnosing and treating ear-related issues in babies. If left untreated, they can lead to serious complications, including hearing loss and the spread of infection. An infant otoscope allows healthcare providers to visualize the ear canal and eardrum to diagnose infections promptly and initiate treatment, preventing further complications.


Welcome to The Family Birthplace: Your Compassionate Birth Experience

At The Family Birthplace, we take immense pride in being a community-centered and patient-focused hospital birthing unit. Our mission is to provide comprehensive care, blending the expertise of certified nurse midwives, board-certified obstetrician-gynecologists, pediatricians, and neonatal nurse practitioners.


Our dedicated team of nurses, physicians, and caregivers is committed to embracing each family's unique birth journey, offering unwavering respect and support at every step.

Comprehensive Support and Education for Your Journey

Our commitment to your well-being extends beyond childbirth. We provide a range of services, including prenatal and childbirth education, car seat safety checks, lactation consultations, and access to specialized "Spinning Babies" nurses.


We're proud to have certified specialty nurses in labor, maternity, lactation, and newborn care. Our entire nursing staff is meticulously trained in fetal monitoring and neonatal resuscitation, with over 75% holding national certifications in maternal and newborn nursing. Your newborns receive the same level of care from our pediatricians throughout their stay and after discharge, ensuring seamless continuity of care.

At The Family Birthplace, we understand that every birth experience is unique. Our primary goal is to nurture families throughout the entire pregnancy and birth journey while prioritizing safety. Whether you choose a natural childbirth or cesarean birth, we're here to support you.


Our labor birthing rooms feature private, in-room Jacuzzi tubs and comfortable overnight sleepers for your family. We provide a range of tools to assist with labor, including peanut and birthing balls, flameless candles, and specialty lights, all designed to enhance your birthing experience.


We encourage diverse birthing practices, from doulas to alternative birth workers, culturally significant traditions, and any specific preferences that honor your birth plan and family choices.


Our nursing staff is proficient in both medicinal and non-medicinal pain management techniques during labor, as well as in postpartum healing and recovery. Experience the warmth, support, and excellence of The Family Birthplace, where your family's well-being is our top priority.

Your Birth Experience, Your Way

Meet Our Dedicated Team

Allow us to introduce our skilled and dedicated medical professionals. They are integral to our team and are here to provide exceptional care for you and your family.

  1. Justin Williams, MD

  2. Dina Levin, MD, FACOG

  3. Jordan Loehr, MD, MPH, FACOG

  4. Krista Burckhardt, ARNP

  • OB/GYN Specialists: We are privileged to have a team of three full-time OB/GYN providers who extend their expertise to our Women's Care outpatient clinic. Notably, they are responsible for the comprehensive care of all patients throughout their prenatal and postpartum journeys.


  • ARNP/CNM Candidate Extraordinaire: Our remarkable ARNP (Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner) and CNM (Certified Nurse-Midwife) candidate brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to our practice. She is a full-time member of our team, providing compassionate care at our Women's Care outpatient clinic for patients during both prenatal and postpartum phases. Additionally, she plays a vital role as the First Assist during cesarean sections and other operating room procedures alongside our skilled OB/GYN surgeons.

The first seconds and hours of a baby’s life are nothing short of miraculous. They are moments filled with hope, anticipation, and the promise of a beautiful future. Yet, for some, these precious moments are fraught with uncertainty and risk.

Imagine the anxiety that grips a new mother’s heart when complications arise during childbirth. Picture the healthcare providers who work tirelessly, using every bit of their skill and dedication to ensure that both mother and baby emerge from this crucial time healthy and strong.

At WhidbeyHealth Foundation, we are on a mission to make these moments safer and filled with hope for families in our community. To achieve this, we have launched the “Safeguarding Life’s First Moments” campaign, aiming to secure life-saving equipment for our Family Birthplace at WhidbeyHealth.

We are excited to purchase the latest state-of-the-art equipment. This equipment plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and health of both mothers and their newborns. It equips our healthcare heroes with the tools necessary to confront complications head-on and save lives.

A Special Thanks to Our Partners:

Waterman Medical Foundation | Polly Harpole Hospital Guild & WhidbeyHealth Gift Shop | Island Thrift | Masimo | Hydros for Heroes | Better Homes & Gardens McKenzie Realty | International Soroptimist of Oak Harbor | First Command | WhidbeyHealth | Wellpoint!

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WHidbeyHealth Foundation End of Year Campaign


Safeguarding Life’s First Moments

This campaign is a heartfelt plea—a plea that has the power to save lives and inspire hope for countless mothers and newborns in our community.

We Need Your Support Today!

This endeavor is not just about obtaining equipment; it's about enhancing the very essence of our medical practice. It's about elevating the quality of care, increasing patient comfort, optimizing our work processes, and making a positive impact on the environment. Your support for this investment is an investment in the well-being of our community, our healthcare providers, and the future of healthcare itself.

Samar Arny, Executive Director

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